Retail Development & Turnaround Solutions
Bricks and Clicks, believes that the epic foundation of a successful mall operation depends upon its
merchandising mix (or tenancy mix), the placement of the anchors, placement of semi anchors leading
to the medium to the small retail stores, the layout of the mall the zoning of the merchandise categories
like fashion and accessories, jewelry, health and beauty products, sports, coffee hubs and QSRs,
casual to fine dinings. Strategic placement is critical to retail success. If any of the elements become
dysfunctional over a period of time, the profitability of the retailers starts depleting or goes into negative
TRS, then Bricks and Clicks would immediately assess the situation and recommend immediate remedial
measures continuously refine the remedial strategies for sustainable financial growth.
cTrader platform
via charts and Level II pricing are just some of the reasons why
many traders today choose cTrader as their go-to platform.
charts and Level II pricing are just some of the reasons why many
traders today choose cTrader as their go-to platform.